
Walker Digital創始人傑•沃克說過:「全球英語熱的背後,一言以蔽之,都是為了機會,這包括了過更好的生活、擴展工作的機會、能支付學費、享用較好的飲食等。」
English originated as one of the Indo-European languages in England, but under the historical trajectory of the British Empire, it spread to become the main or secondary language of many former British colonies, such as the United States, Singapore, Canada, Australia, and more. Today, English is the official language in 67 countries and the secondary official language in 27 regions.
According to statistics, among the 1.5 billion population of English speakers in the world, over 1.1 billion are non-native speakers. Numerous factors have made English essential in modern life. Even though, for many people, English isn’t used as their primary language, it’s very common as the secondary language in different cultures. This means that two people from different countries, like a Mexican and an Indonesian, often use English as a common language to communicate with.
Nowadays, the internet has opened up the world and English is its language. English and globalization both complement each other. Professor Hua-Shao Er of the University of California pointed out: The emergence of a global lingua franca has fueled globalization; on the other hand, The emergence of a global lingua franca has fueled globalization; conversely, globalization has solidified the position of the global lingua franca.
According to a report from the British Council, over 80% of electronic information worldwide is in English and over 66% scientists prefer reading in English. English is a key skill to absorb information in the digital era. English abilities will determine the depth and breadth of knowledge one can access. With this context, mastering English has become the fundamental ability to have in this modern world. So, just how important is English?
English is the Language of Academia
Nowadays, more and more non-English speaking countries are reforming their education to include English education as one of the primary goals. To encourage usage of the English language, countries, like Japan and South Korea, have carried out major initiatives, bringing in foreign teachers and strengthening the training of local teachers. At the same time, the purpose of English education has shifted from its original emphasis on academic grammar and translation to communication and business language skills.
English is often regarded as the language of higher education. Many of the top universities in the world are institutions that advocate English-speaking. Since English is the primary language of science, medicine, engineering, and other fields, many of the latest research papers and reports are written in English. In university, more and more professors promote using English textbooks, to ensure that students can quickly adapt to the international environment, staying updated with the newest knowledge. Of course, one can learn from translated texts, but not every translation edition can grasp the main points of the subjects accurately. There is a possibility of misunderstanding the original author’s intention, consequently conveying the wrong information.
English Dominates Both Digital and Traditional Media
In this day and age, countless questions or pieces of information, like the latest news, entertainment, or celebrity forums, all can easily be answered or found on the internet. As mentioned above, 80% of digital information worldwide is written in English. If someone only understands one language when searching, the answers found are inevitably limited and possibly biased, leading to misrepresentations of facts. More importantly, most first-hand information is written in English, so only by being proficient in English can one quickly grasp the latest information and directly connect with the world, thus avoiding inaccurate or misinterpreted secondhand translations.
There are more newspapers or literature written in English than in any other languages. Essentially,wherever we are, we can always find English newspapers or literature. In reality, because English dominates international communication, one only needs to master English to access more relevant information on any topic, for example: international affairs, educational perspectives, finance, etc.
English is the Language of International Communication
Having English-speaking ability can help ensure smooth communication internationally, because English is the language of international communication, understanding English means being able to receive help anywhere in the world. Although it’s hard to go abroad now, with the rise of video conferencing, communication softwares, online forums, and media platforms, English remains as a powerful tool that connects people across different cultures. Through a common language, people can express ideas and exchange thoughts to expand one’s outlook and stimulate thinking.
English is the Language of Business
English can help people engage in any business activity. Many companies worldwide have international influence, or are trying to expand their scope globally, which makes English as a common language more important.
Nowadays, in many industries, such as finance, hospitality, banking, law, and tourism, a good level of English ability is a basic requirement in recruitment and also a key assessment for those who seek career promotions. English proficiency puts one ahead of the other candidates, also expanding one’s career options, such as being able to challenge job-seeking opportunities in international companies.
Furthermore, international businesses require communication with people from different backgrounds and cultures, and English is the key to bridging the gap between cultures. Speaking English can also increase cultural awareness, deepening their understanding of colleagues and clients. In the eyes of business owners and managers, English can help them sell their products and services internationally, expanding their own business plan. In the international market, using fluent English to quote prices and negotiate can help clients understand more quickly, thus transactions can be conducted efficiently.
Jay Walker, founder of Walker Digital, once said: Behind the global craze for English is in a single word: opportunity. Opportunity for a better life, a job, to be able to pay for school, or put better food on the table.
In any case, the geographical borders of the world are getting increasingly blurred. Learning English will help open the doors of opportunity and connect the international community. Through English, people can easily build connections with others from different countries, access first-hand knowledge, stay ahead of global trends, becoming the new generation that is always at the forefront of the world’s evolution.