Melody Publishing

聯絡我們 About Us

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Super Fun 幼兒學習網

PK-ABC 線上英語檢測


公司沿革 History




★ More:我們給予的永遠比客戶期望的多更多

★ Easy:打造輕鬆歡樂的美語學習情境是我們堅持的夢想

★ Love:愛是教育的基礎,我們在師訓中落實傳承

★ Open:開放的心胸,讓我們不斷創新與成長

★ Do:勇於承諾之後就是持續行動力的開始

★ Young:青春熱情的心,揚起華人美語世紀的新希望

★ Melody:一個孩子們的共同語言,一個令全球華人引以為傲的美語自創品牌。


Melody originated as an English teacher training institution for preschool, providing teaching staff for kindergartens and daycare centers. It was initially promoted in Taiwan by its founder, Ms. Qiurong Wu. During the promotion process, Ms. Wu realized that the existing educational materials in the market didn’t align with the learning environment of local children. As a result, she developed her own teaching materials based on her ideas and experience. In 1987, she established Melody Publishing Co., Ltd.


Under the joint management of Chairman Mr. Zongming Li and General Manager Ms. Qiurong Wu, along with a team of professional editors from both Taiwan and abroad, Melody’s business scope has expanded to include Melody publishing, English teacher teaching institutions, and Melody early childhood education group. In recent years, Vice Chairwoman Ms. Qiurong Wu further expanded the business to mainland China, establishing 北京普林斯頓國際貿易有限公司 in Beijing.


Melody holds great expectations and a sense of mission for the future. With the development of the Asia-Pacific operations center, the concept of a global village has been deeply rooted in everyone’s minds. Language skills will be the greatest tool to enhance individual competitiveness. In the future, Melody plans to form partnerships with high-tech companies to develop online teaching resources, create professional English teaching CDs, and promote the concept of “portable knowledge — knowledge that they can take anywhere” for children. This will enhance children’s language skills significantly and thereby boost national competitiveness, fulfilling the vision of a new era of English learning in the 21st century. Melody remains dedicated to the principle that “when one person learns English, the whole family rejoices,” and aims to set new milestones for the company.

More – We always deliver more than our customers expect.
Easy – creating a fun and relaxed English learning environment is our steadfast dream.
Love – Love is the foundation of education, and this is instilled in teacher training.
Open –  An open mind allows us to continuously innovate and grow.
Do – having the commitment to begin acting persistently.
Young – a youthful and passionate heart raises new hopes for the Chinese English-speaking world.
Melody – a universal language for children and a proudly self-created English brand for Chinese-speaking communities worldwide.

經營理念 Business Philosophy







“One person learns English, and the whole family rejoices” is Melody’s core business philosophy and the driving force behind its continued progress. Melody believes that learning is most effective in a joyful environment, which enhances learning outcomes and cultivates children’s optimism and character. Growth is achieved through interactive learning between parents and children. This philosophy forms the foundation of Melody’s greatest competitive advantage. Chairman Mr. Zongming Li and General Manager Ms. Qiurong Wu rely on their keen insights into the early childhood education market, dedicating their full attention and passion to English education without distraction or hesitation. Melody’s ultimate goal is to promote joyful English learning.


Melody attaches great emphasis on innovation, striving to meet both market demands and maintain professional distinction. The Research & Development team, composed of experienced local and international editors, publishes an average of at least 20 new products annually, including language, editing, music, graphics, and videos. There are hundreds of intellectual property rights held by the company, and they are considered as some of Melody’s most valuable assets.


In terms of services, Melody also provides teacher dispatch services for kindergartens and daycare centers. Selected teachers are professional English teachers who have undergone complete training that is rooted in Melody’s educational culture. In addition, Melody supports schools by organizing parent-child seminars, achievement showcases, speech and reading competitions, enrollment activities during festivals, and graduation speeches. Through both tangible or intangible resources, Melody is committed to sincerely serving customers.


專業經營團隊 Professional Management Team

美樂蒂文教科技興業股份有限公司 Melody Publishing Co., Ltd.

董事長 Chairman

  • ISO品保推行 Implementation of ISO quality assurance
  • 企業形象建立 Establishment of corporate image
  • 媒體公關 Media and public relations
  • 年度目標設定 Annual goal setting
  • 年度預算審核 Annual budget review

總經理 General Manager

  • 專案研發 Project research and development
  • 策略聯盟 Strategic alliance
  • 教育訓練 Educational training

管理部 Management Department

  • 總務 General affairs
  • 儲運 Warehousing and transportation
  • 人事 Human resources

財務部 Finance Department

  • 會計 Accounting
  • 出納 Treasurer

編輯部 Editorial Department

  • 教材研發 Development of teaching materials
  • 多媒體教學研發 Development of multimedia teaching
  • 文編、美編 Content and graphic design
  • 廣宣品設計 Promotional material design

企劃部 Planning Department

  • CIS建立 Corporate Identity System (CIS) establishment
  • 廣告行銷企劃 Advertising and marketing planning
  • 活動企劃 Event planning
  • 網頁規劃設計 Website planning and design

幼教部 Early Childhood Education Department

  • 業務通路建立 Establishment of business channels
  • 業務推廣 Business promotion
  • 教學諮詢 Teaching consultation
  • 師資培訓 Teacher training
  • 課程規劃 Curriculum planning

國小部 Elementary School Department

  • 業務通路建立 Establishment of business channels
  • 業務推廣 Business promotion
  • 教學諮詢 Teaching consultation
  • 師資培訓 Teacher training
  • 課程規劃 Curriculum planning


聯絡我們 Contact Us

美樂蒂文教科技興業股份有限公司 Melody Publishing Co., Ltd.

地址:(807) 高雄市三民區北平二街16號6樓

電話:(07) 322-7493

傳真:(07) 322-6812