Melody Publishing


When discussing reading literacy, selecting the correct materials is important.
But how to decide which one from so many options?

Frequently Used Reading Strategies

  1. Prediction 預測

  2. Think Aloud 發聲思考

  3. Visualization 圖像化、表格化

  4. Summarization 總結、歸納

  5. Questioning 提問(找主旨、細節)

  6. Inferring 推理、下結論

  7. Activate Prior Knowledge 啟動已知知識與經驗

01. Prediction 預測


Prediction is a basic ability that children need to master when reading. It is making an educated prediction based on known content, rather than groundless speculation. Through pictures, children can not only predict the reading content, but also understand the sentences and pictures themselves, which will promote interest in reading comprehension.

02. Think Aloud 發聲思考

發聲思考策略可以強化孩子的閱讀技能,透過閱讀進行推測和聯想,這個故事是關於什麼的? 接下來會發生什麼? 這個人是快樂還是悲傷? 我有什麼啟發?

Think Aloud is a strategy that can strengthen children’s reading comprehension through deductions and associations. What is this story about? What will happen next? Is this character happy or sad? What inspires me?

03. Visualization 圖像視覺化


Visualization refers to transforming text comprehension into pictures, graphs, timelines, or organizational charts. Children can find information and transform learned knowledge into another form. Visualization helps children read visually, strengthen sensory imagination, and  construct pictures to gain a deeper understanding of the text they are reading.

04. Summary 故事總結


Summary is a strategy that uses diagrams and pictures to increase understanding of the text, whether it is the plot, conflict, or resolution.

05. Questioning 提問


Effective questioning can train children’s analytical thinking. Understanding how to ask questions can increase reading perception, deepen comprehension of text content, and stimulate interest in learning.

06. Inferring 推理


Inferring is essential to problem solving. What is not explicitly stated in the text can be discovered through the reader’s inferences. This can cultivate and train children’s logical thinking.

07. Connections 啟動已知知識與經驗


Connections uses existing knowledge to expand divergent thinking skills. Through reading passages and experimental activities, students can gain deeper experiences, which in turn strengthen their grasp of key concepts.

STEAM READER系列是培養孩子的閱讀素養讀本,

Steam Reader Series is a set of reading materials designed to cultivate children’s reading literacy,
helping them tackle the trend of diversified exams easily.
Using reading strategies, students can extract relevant information from passages,
analyze, interpret, summarize, infer, and make predictions.


Each level consists of 3 books, with 6 reading passages per level.
The complete set contains 8 levels, totaling 24 books and 48 reading passages.
Each book includes two reading passages:
one is a story-based Fiction and the other is an informative Non-Fiction piece.

另有QR Code,點讀音檔,專屬的師訓教學影片,專屬的閱讀測驗卷來協助老師方便進行教學。

Additionally, each book includes a QR code that contains audio recordings,
exclusive teacher training videos, and reading assessment worksheets.
These resources are designed to assist teachers in teaching.

Fiction 小說

Non-Fiction 科普類紀實性文章

Fiction Story

Expanding Children’s Horizons Through Classic Literature


Increasing Knowledge through Numerous Documentary Stories

Non-Fiction 科普類紀實文章

Popular Science Documentary Passages

Facts 訊息事實

Information and Facts

Application 閱讀拓展活動

Reading Experimental Activities

Non-Fiction 故事透過大量的真實照片增長知識,

Non-Fiction uses various authentic photos to increase knowledge.
The section also includes meaningful experimental activities that add to the fun of learning.
Supplementary reading activities incorporate hands-on components,
teaching children to engage with both their hands and minds.
This approach helps to enhance cognitive abilities and develop greater interests.


Cultivating reading literacy requires deliberate practice.


Increase interest in reading and build the school reading vision.


In reading classes, how can we practice children’s reading strategies with intention and plan the curriculum effectively?


When facing the emphasis on reading literacy in the new curriculum,
the first step is to find the right systematic set of readers.
The design of questions in the reading materials can help students to think step-by-step to reach reading comprehension.
Through students’ logical thinking and repeated practice, their comprehension abilities will improve over time.
Let’s start cultivating children’s reading literacy now!

STEAM READER 提供最豐富的線上教學資源:

STEAM READER provides the most comprehensive online teaching resources:


Canva PPT for Teaching Each Lesson


Lesson-by-Lesson Teaching Videos with Foreign Instructors

5-3 Oliver Twist Inference & Connections

1-1 Dr. Dolittle Reading

1-2 The Secret Garden Topic & Discovery